Or Leviteh Portfolio Site

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Project Type: Web

Project Size: Large

Done During: Side Project

Tools: HTML5CSSJavascriptJQueryPHPMYSQL

Collaborative Project

You can visit Or Leviteh's portfolio website here: Or Leviteh. Make sure to check out her work, it's pretty awesome.

This was my first major web project. I took on this project not only to create a new website for Or Leviteh, but also to create the backend, coding from scratch a CMS using databases. I decided against wordpress because, although it is a good content management system, it is not as customizable as creating your own.
The first step to creating this portfolio website was speaking to Or about what her goals were, what she wanted to achieve with the site, what she wanted to show, and how the experience was going to play out. Since she is a UX designer, she designed the website and did some preliminary coding. From then on, I taught myself PHP and created the backend CMS, customizing the entry to her specifications.
On the front end, I used three plugins. First, I used Skrollr in order to syncronize certain animations with page-location. Second, fancybox was used to open projects as an overlay. Third, Slippry was used as an image gallery for each project. I also hard-coded some features using javascript/jQuery, such as snap-to scroll, the burger menu, and other animations.
Although it was a large project, I was happy to take it as a way to teach myself web-programming, as it is almost required in modern times. From this, I decided to completely remake my own website from scratch.